Certificates & declarations
Choose from certificates of non-liability for tax, declarations on environmental and workplace safety, and our terms and conditions of sale and deliveryTerms and conditions of sale and delivery
Declarations on environmental and workplace safety
Erklärung zur Silikonfreiheit - Deutsch
(296 KB)
Materialverwendung Dodd-Frank-Act - Deutsch
(222 KB)
Erklärung zur Silikonfreiheit - English
(272 KB)
Materialverwendung Dodd-Frank-Act - English
(216 KB)
Umweltproduktdeklaration (EPD)
(1 MB)
Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
(1 MB)
Regulatory Statement
(135 KB)
Informationen zu Qualitätssiegel Nachhaltiges Gebäude (QNG)
(387 KB)
Regulatorische Erklärung
(268 KB)
Titelseite EPD KTO 17.0 GB
(78 KB)